Queen Book Tag! (Original)

Happy Monday!

I thought it was time to create another reading tag, and since I love the band Queen, I decided to make it Queen-themed. I am so excited to answer these questions, and I hope you guys do as well so if you do this tag, make sure to tag me so I can see all your great answers! Anyways, onto the questions:

1. Bohemian Rhapsody – Name a Book With An Unexpected Twist


Bohemian Rhapsody is Queen’s most iconic song because of how different and unexpected it was, so for this question, I want you to name a book that’s plot took you by surprise. For this, I’m going to have to go with Queen of Air and Darkness by Cassandra Clare. I won’t say what exactly was unexpected, but if you’ve read it, you probably know what I’m talking about…

2. Save Me – Name a Book That You Haven’t Gotten Over Yet


Save Me is about how people deal with a break-up, so what book have you still not gotten over yet? Again, sorry for repeating, but I’m going to have to say Queen of Air and Darkness by Cassandra Clare. That book was just so long (912 pages) that when you finally finish it, it feels out of the ordinary to not be reading it. Plus, it was the last book in The Dark Artifices trilogy, my favourite trilogy, so of course, I haven’t gotten over it yet!

3. Under Pressure – Nae a Book That You Feel Pressured To Read


While I’m enjoying it, I did feel obligated to read Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. It is a classic, and a book a lot of people love. I felt like I had to read it (I’m almost done it), along with a lot of other classics I’ve recently finished or am reading, to make myself seem like a more diverse and “real” reader. Again, I only read books I like, but I couldn’t help but feel a little bit of pressure to explore the classics.

4. Love of My Life – Name a Book That Really Is, The Love of Your Life


Cassandra Clare’s name is on here a LOT, but that’s because I love SO many of her books. For this one, I’m going to have to say that Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare is really the love of my life. It’s so amazing, setting the trilogy up for even more amazingness since it’s the first book in the trilogy, and ugh, every time I read it I’m just happy.

5. Don’t Stop Me Now – Name a Book That You Can Read In One Sitting


Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell!!! While this book is over 400 pages, I could easily, if given the time, sit down and read it in only one sitting. It is so addictive and easy to read, with a story that makes me warm and fuzzy inside. It reads like a movie kind of because I can easily imagine all of these characters speaking their dialogue too me and that makes the book so much better.

6. Another One Bites the Dust – Name a Book That You DNFed


I’m going to go with the last book I DNFed which I believe, was Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Cordova. It wasn’t that I hated this book, it was that I found it really difficult to imagine the scenes before me in my head, and also I didn’t feel connected to anything in the book. Not the characters, the world, the plot, nothing. I do want to give it another try sometime because I thought I was going to really like this book, but at the time I tried to read it, it just wasn’t working.

7. I Want to Break Free – Name a Book That Should Have Been a Standalone


Honestly, I would have been satisfied enough with The Fifth Wave by Rick Yancy being a standalone instead of part of a trilogy because, I’m sorry, but the last two books weren’t great at all. He would have had to fix some things to make it work, but it would have been easy enough to tie everything up in The Fifth Wave to make it a standalone. The second and third book included too many POVs, most which I didn’t like, and the plot was sooo boring that I couldn’t even finish the second one. I tried jumping into the third one to see what would happen, but I ran into the same issues and ended up spoiling myself on purpose.

8. Killer Queen – Name the Book That Got You Into Reading


Killer Queen was Queen’s first big hit, so I thought this question was appropriate to the song. I’ve mentioned this numerous times on my blog, but I’m happy to say it again because I love hearing about what books got people into reading! For me, it was Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan. Of course, I read little chapter books before reading this one, but this was the book that introduced me into middle grade/YA and was the first book series I became absolutely obsessed with for like two years. I found this book when I was 10 and didn’t even try any other book until I was 12…that was how much I loved it.

9. We Are the Champions – Name An Underrated Book You Love


A lot of people do love this book, but I just think it deserves more praise that it gets. It is such a relatable and important book for those with anxiety, especially social anxiety, and that is Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia. I looove this book and could read it over and over again. Not only is the anxiety portion really nice to relate to, but overall, the book has amazing plot and characters as well!

10. We Will Rock You – Name a Book Everyone Has Heard Of

Image result for children of blood and bone

I could go with the simple answer to this which is Harry Potter, but instead, I am going to say Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi because that was by far the most hyped book of last year. I also have yet to read it, but everywhere I go, I see that book and it screams at me to read it so I will definitely get to it soon!

11. Now I’m Here – Name An Anticipated Release Of Yours That Just Came Out


The last anticipated release of mine that came out was Queen of Air and Darkness by Cassandra Clare, and that was on December 2nd, 2018. That was by far, my most anticipated release of the year and my 2019 anticipated releases don’t start coming out until January 29th so I’m going to have to answer QoAaD again! If you want to find out what my 2019 releases are, check out my blog post for it HERE.

12. The Show Must Go On – Name a Book (Series or Standalone) That Ended, But That You Want Another Book From

Image result for the blood of olympus

I haven’t read The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan in forever and a bit, but I remember wanting more. There was something that didn’t make it feel like an ending which is kind of understandable considering we do see these characters in the Magnus Chase series and also the Trials of Apollo series. Still, I could always read more from the Heroes of Olympus series.

Last Blog Post: Biannual Bibliothon Day 6 – Reading By the Fire 101




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