3 Tips to Reach Your 2018 Reading Goals

We only have 19 days left of 2018 and I don’t know about you, but I still have 10 books I need to read before I hit my 75 book reading goal. By following these 3 tips to achieving my reading goals in a short amount of time, I know I can get it done and you can too! It’s important to remember that reading is not about reading X amount of books every year or reading JUST to reach that amount of books, but I do think it’s fun to set goals for yourself and stick to them. Reading always be fun and never a chore, but anyways, here are my 3 tips!

1. Audiobooks, Audiobooks, Audiobooks

Image result for overdrive

Audiobooks will be your golden key to hitting your reading goal in just a matter of a few weeks. You can listen to them when you are doing mindless tasks around the house like cleaning, making lists, or even getting ready in the morning. They are also great to listen to when you are commuting to work or school. For example, I listen to them when I’m walking to school or taking the bus and currently, I’m listening to City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare. You can get audiobooks on Audible (but they cost quite a bit of money), but I prefer using Overdrive or other online library apps that allow me to use my local library card code to borrow free ones via my phone. Overdrive is a great one so I recommend checking it out!

2. Under 200 Pages? Awesome!


Short books are also a great way to get a lot of reading done in a miniscule amount of time because if you sit down and read 50 pages, that is already a good chunk of the way through the book. Currently, I’m reading Queen of Air and Darkness by Cassandra Clare which is no small book by any means (it’s 912 pages), but I balance it out with shorter books like the Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky (which I’m also reading right now and is just over 200 pages). Other short books you should check out are The Outsider by Albert Camus (115 pages), We Were Liars by E. Lockhart (227 pages), Kissing Frogs by Alisha Sevigny (182 pages) and Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli (186 pages).

3. Balance Multiple Books at Once

Honestly, whether you are a student right now or not, this should be something you are familiar with. With my classes, I’m usually reading if not one, then two books at the same time along with whatever I read in my own time. Balancing multiple books at once is a really useful skill and also helpful when it comes to reading lots of books every year. If you have a really hard time separating the books you are reading or remembering what the hell is happening in each of your books, then give it a try anyway because you might get the hang of it. I can’t not read multiple books at once because I’ve gotten so used to it and I have also gotten really good at it!

Those are my 3 tips to help you hit your reading goal before the end of the year, and I hope you enjoyed! Don’t forget to check out my last blog post, as well as my social media accounts which are linked down below. Thanks for reading 🙂

Last Blog Post: 9 Anticipated Releases for 2019




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